A Tea-Blending Workshop? What Does That Look Like?

It looks just like our Saturday at Southern Grind Cofe, where I facilitated a discussion about herbs. teas, and how to use dried herbs to craft blends that can be used in a wide variety of ways. Five women and one of their young sons (!!!I was so happy to see the youth getting into herbal teas and remedies!!!) joined me for a day of talking about what I do and why I love to do it. We sipped on iced Mint, Meet Mint and Jaguar Boost that I pre-made with plenty of honey. IT was a great way for everyone to get a preview of the flavors and effects that the herbal ingredients give to teas when they are combined.

My goal for this workshop was for it NOT to be like school or a class, but more like a discussion in which everyone who attended could share their perspectives. I felt a bit nervous at first, admittedly, but I wanted to make it clear that I don’t think of myself as a foolproof authority on herbs and teas. But with the help of my friend JeLisa and the kindness and generosity of the attendees, I think I found my groove.

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Each person had a station at which they could use a small amount of herbs to practice blending them based on the nformation given in the presentation. I encouraged each attendee to use all of their senses to determine and predict how their teas would taste, and it really validated me to be able to give my opinion on what herbs can be used as bases, accents, and supporting flavors for the teas they were making.

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Once again, I can’t thank everyone who attended, RSVP’s, brought their friend and coworkers, and supported me with their interest. I’ll also be bringing Tea Talk to a special church retreat this week. Stay tuned for other events in the future!