Refreshment Needed? Try Mint-Infused Cucumber Water

It’s been a hard week (month, year, decade, CENTURY :/). What with the nightly protests across the world, continued police brutality, and all of the health concerns to be had about COVID 19, I’ve been in need of a little extra care. Plus, a better use for my hands that is NOT constantly scrolling news updates. So, I thought I’d share this recipe for Mint, Meet Mint-infused cucumber water.

Literally every step of this is totally open to subjectivity, tastes, and interpretation which makes this entirely too loose of a concept to be called a recipe, so have fun. I like to yield a little less than a gallon so that the mint taste can be stronger. Something about the extra hydration from the cucumber meets with the mint to make it the perfect cooling elixir that tingles all the way down. Let it get nice and chilled for a treat during the summer days. :D


Yield - 3 quarts. Prep time - 15 minutes, then infuse at least four hours

Mint, Meet Mint Infused Cucumber Water

  • 3 Mint, Meet Mint tea bags (or about 6 teaspoons loose MMM tea)

  • 3 Quarts filtered or purified room temperature water

  • Half a cucumber (fresh or slightly past prime)

  • Mesh strainer (for loose tea)

  • Pitcher that holds at least 3 quarts

  • Mug or separate container for brewing tea

  • Honey (optional)

Heat 16 ounces from total purified water and use the tea bags (or loose tea and strainer) to brew a strong tea in your mug or separate container. Allow to brew for extended time, preferably 30 minutes or more to allow the organic peppermint, spearmint, and lavender flowers to infuse their goodness into the water. The owls pictured below are optional, as is honey at this point if you’d like to add a tablespoon (or five ;)) for a bit of sweetness in your infusion. Stir in well if you take this option, and do so while the brew is still warm.

While your tea brews, thinly slice (and peel, if you prefer) the cucumber and place in the bottom of the pitcher. Fill the pitcher with the remaining room temperature water. Refrigerate.

Once you’ve brewed your tea to your liking, pour it into the cucumber infusion. Place back in the refrigerator and give it at least four hours for the full effect, or enjoy immediately if you’re impatient like me. It’s best chilled, and keeps in the refrigerator for three to five days. Enjoy, stay cool, and take care of each other.
