How did you get into blending tea?

Crafts like tea-blending are like most crafts and destinations in life—they are rarely reached by straight lines. For me, tea-blending is still relatively new. However, it feels as right to me as any other beloved hobby. And since my “hobby” has become Adornleaf Tea Co., the journey of learning about new herbs, new teas, and new opportunities to connect with my community is sure to be as exciting as it is challenging. Luckily for me, and all the awesome supporters of ATC, I feel more up to it than I ever have 😊

So, I’ve always loved tea. I’ve never like coffee. Don’t get me wrong:  I’ve spent a few of my hard-earned dollars on Mochasippis and frappe’s. But outside of a sugary, dairy-filled confectionary money guzzling from CC’s or Starbucks, I’ve never really gotten into it. And if you’re in need of caffeine, or just the raw comfort of a warm drink, there aren’t many other options available.

I started with simple bagged black tea, like most people do. Mass-produced. Heavily branded. I also like refrigerated green teas, especially the heavy hitters. Lipton. Pure Leaf. Arizona. I’ve been known to disappear an entire gallon+ jug of Arizona green tea down my insatiably thirsty gullet within forty-eight hours. As I’ve grown and made my own money, I’ve expanded to loose, hella sweet gimmicky teas from retailers. Better brands. Wider palette. You know, *growth* Simple bagged peppermint tea from a wide variety of finer grocery boutique-type shops became my all-purpose remedy.

Plus, my mother is a fan of warm drinks as remedies. Coughs are no match for warm water with lemon, or Theraflu, or just a gargle of hot water with salt. And she’s right. I’ve spent decades with just these home remedies and commercial iced and hot teas in my orbit and they were just enough for me at the time I had them. But it still wasn’t quite enough.

In just this past year, I’ve began blending my own teas. I had the bright idea to make teas as gifts for a few special co-workers and family members, and through multiple iterations of the blends available now, they became the first recipients of what would become Adornleaf Tea Co.

I’ve invested in countless mesh tea balls and mugs for testing. I received generous tea -repated gifts and repurposed them into my blending/tasting process. I tried out teas on and with my best friends. I researched herbs and their known uses. I watched a million videos. My mother as I tried (and failed) to fashion reliable, consistent tea bags from coffee filters. I tried (and failed) to use cheesecloth without having finer herbs sift through its holes. I tried (and succeeded) at finding reliable suppliers for all my herbs, materials, and tea leaves, and one that stands behind its products as safe, organic, and sustainable.

So, even though this summary of my path is not exhaustive, it is a pretty reliable account of how this work found me. I believe, as I have written before here, that the mere choice to consider herbs and natural remedies as supplements to a healthy lifestyle is meaningful. It is a catalyst to a world of benefits, opportunities, and delicious tea. I am grateful to be a part of it. Bring on the learnin’! I’m a natural observer and researcher, and so applying these skills to the art of blending herbs and teas is perfect for me. I have a refurbished Canon and modest product staging abilities. I’m working on cultivating endless patience with myself and the process of building a successful business. I trust it is the work I am meant to do at this moment, and for what is now mine: Adornleaf Tea Co. LLC. Thank you for reading.

Until next time!


Rachel B