ATC's Incredible Run of Events

Hello tea lovers! It’s been a while!

Rachel here, and I’m here to let you all know that I and ATC have been very busy. If you follow us on the socials (as you should!), you’ve probably seen a large uptick in the number of in-person local events that ATC has attended. I am here to share a few memories, thoughts, and to be candid with all of you, many of whom have been supporting me and ATC since before the official beginning. Earlier this year, I made the decision to quit my full-time job. There were many reasons and, in truth, I had been considering it for a while. It has been one of the scariest and uncertain experiences I’ve had in my professional life. It’s also been one of the most rewarding!

Since then, I have decided to pour more of my time, energy, and skill set into my work with ATC. Since March, ATC has been present at many local in-person events - parties, wellness retreats, yoga sessions, pop-up markets, brunch gatherings, and more. I won’t lie to you - it’s been tiring. I feel like I’ve unloaded my car 500 times. Sometimes, it’s hard not to feel inadequate when my body is telling me I need rest but there is still tea to be bagged or orders that need shipping or event prep to be done. But somehow, it all works out. It works out better than I expect every time. And I learn something new or better during the course of each outing for ATC.

I wouldn’t trade some of these experiences I’ve had for the world. I have met dozens of generous, kind, and genuine people in my outings, and each smile, kind word, and conversation I have helps me to remember why I do it all. I don’t mean to give the impression that I do all of this in isolation - that wouldn’t be true at all. I am pushed forward by my family - all the time. And my friends. And random acquaintances. And - especially - my fellow business owners.

I have grown to be a part of a vibrant, unique community of business owners here in and near Baton Rouge. We encourage each other, show up to help one another, share resources and tips, and we even link outside of the events to celebrate (or commiserate) together. I see many of the same entrepreneurs at these events, and so we know each other well. I am sooooo grateful for this. Seriously, sometimes, I literally pull up to an event with just me, my merchandise, and my tent. And I never have to worry that I won’t have help to unload. That’s community. That’s Louisiana’s culture, and that’s love. I am not ashamed to say I 100% rely on that to get by, and I am here to reciprocate it all as much as I can. If you reached out to invite ATC to an event or included ATC’s teas in your plans, thank you! So much of the action originates with all of you, and I’m grateful for your consideration :)

So, here are a few photos from ATC’s incredible run - and it’s not over yet. I’ll be taking a few weekends off from events over the course of July, as well as taking a quick vacation. After that, I have no doubt you’ll see me out and about again, and I look forward to connecting with even more of you then.

I’ll try to post more pics of the work more frequently — I promise!

Much love, tea lovers. See ya soon. Stay hydrated, and stay cool!

Happy brewing,


Rachel B