2 Years In...

Adornleaf Tea Co. officially launched two years ago today. I can believe it.

I dropped the standard “It doesn’t seem like that long” because like…it really does. In these past two years, I’ve done so much, met so many people, and learned so much that it honestly feels as though it’s been double that time. Seriously.

Last year was a tough one; I won’t lie to you. What with the pandemic, personal challenges, fluctuating supplies and resources, uncertainty, and a craaaaaaazy bit of weather in south Louisiana (hard freezes, hurricanes, super duper rain storms, etc.), I honestly didn’t know what my business had in store…or even if I was up to the task of continuing everything involved in running it. I’ll admit that there were a few moments when I had very nearly convinced myself to throw in the towel.

But it was all of you who brought me back.

Every one of you who liked a post. Made a purchase. Stopped by one of the few events this at which I was able to do some vending. Shared my company details with a friend. Made a suggestion or shared your feedback. Or invited me to an event you were having so that I could represent ATC….

Thank you.

Thank you for everything. I know some things seem small and inconsequential; liking a post will probably never make or break anyone’s million dollar sales goal. But believe me when I tell you that it adds up. And I don’t mean that in the algorithm way. I mean that sometimes, a heart, or an encouraging comment, or even a tiny smiley emoji is just what I need to see to remind me to keep going. So in the next year, I plan to bring all of the joy and appreciation from all of you with me as I plan out just how I’m going to take this company to the next level. I want to level up EVERYTHING. I want to get better at every process involved in this business so that I can continue to bring you great tea, at great prices, with great customer service. So as the second year of this business ends, you should know just how encouraged I feel to improve at every level.

Thank you for everything, from the bottom of my heart.

With love,
